Reading the headline, I wondered who is Kate? LOL! Oh. Yeah. Right. I appreciate your perspective and the time and energy you've invested in your blog.

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Jan 28Liked by Kyle Ranson-Walsh

Thank you for this perspective. I loved the voice recording so much.

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Jan 28Liked by Kyle Ranson-Walsh

What a privilege to read. Thank you for sharing all of you with us Kyle 💕

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I wonder if there is something to the French use of the word “né(e)” to identify a person’s former name that they no longer use, but is still part of who they are. It means “born” but also has that nice twist in English pronunciation of sounding like a quaint negative: “nay”...

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Ah my sweet friend! I've known you 34 years - about half as Kate and half as Kyle, but at all times you have been YOU. You're the same person I watched SNL religiously with (remember when we saw Sinead O'Conner rip up the pope picture and we were like, that is probably gonna be a thing?) on sleepovers, same person I crushed on George Michael with (who was so very obviously a gay man?), same person with a heart of pure gold that I will feel connected to as long as I live. This is not to erase your experience of transition or negate your identity at any stage - I have loved watching you come into yourself over the years and I won't pretend to understand what it's been like for you. I just wanted to chime in and say that I loved Kate very much and I love Kyle very much but most of all I love the soul deep inside of you. I'm so very proud of my friend and also I know I've said this a million times, but as a writer who is picky about writers, I mean it when I say you are an INCREDIBLE writer and I can't wait to buy your book, whenever it comes out. :)

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